Monday, January 13, 2014

Welcome to Getting Twisted!

Well, we finally got the Blog up and going!  Our design will look much better soon as we are putting the finishing touches on it!  So, how many of you are business owners?  I have worked with lots of business owners myself ranging from small at-home business to large corporations.  I can tell you, you learn a lot in this field!  No 2 people are alike and no 2 businesses are alike.  I've seen so many creative ideas out there that people have come up with and have made successful businesses out of their ideas.  Of course, I have seen many fail as well too.  But, I see failure as another starting point, kind of like a phoenix.  It just means, hey, maybe the idea didn't work out or maybe someone else knocked it off and created something better.  In these cases, if you do some things differently or enhance other things, it does differentiate your business from others.  It's the figuring out that takes the most time. 

We put a lot of passion and thought into our business and we believe those are THE most important ingredients in helping brand a business.  Some websites offer a "cookie cutter" type option which basically means here are the parts, the choices...pick what you want and put it together yourself in minutes.  Sure, it's fast, it's cheap and you don't need much knowledge to do it. it REALLY what you wanted?  Does it look cheap?  Will it attract customers?  Have you asked others to check it out to see if they would shop from your website?  If most of the answers are "No", then it's time to have a professional really take it to the next level and make it how you want it!  This does not apply to just custom websites, it applies to your logo, your displays, your products, your business cards, etc.  Everything has some meaning.  If you have a physical location, customers look to see if it is attractive, appealing, some place they want to stay for awhile to look around....think about it!  If you have an online business, same thing applies.  Make it clean, neat, appealing that a customer will check it out!

Getting Twisted is what's it's all about - thinking outside the box, getting down and dirty, getting your feet wet! 

We are expanding our business into more and more things and the future rolls closer.  You might see us with web hosting service, rubber stamps and more surprises.  When people order our products, we get some that say, "Hey, have you thought about creating this or that?"  We take all ideas into consideration.  Those that are feasible, we may be able to offer.  We are also working on a separate website for Twisted Elements Photography, in which we will offer photos and other accessories for sale.  Lots coming!

We are excited to have you as one of our Blog readers and please follow us if you would like to keep up with us and what is in the works!

Design on!

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